is it hard to let go of kittens as a breeder

Saying Goodbye to Kittens

As a cat breeder, it is inevitable that you’ll have to say goodbye to your kittens. This can be challenging for new breeders who aren’t mentally prepared for this milestone in a kittens’ life. After witnessing a kindle of babies come into the world, and nurturing them for 3 to 4 months, it’s easy to…


Microchips for Cats – Easy “Do-It-Yourself Tutorial”

What Does a Microchip Do? A microchip in a cat provides a permanent source of identification using a unique id number. The Identification number is registered to the owner of the cat. Microchips help reunite the cat with its rightful owners. How does the cat microchip work? Is it like GPS? A microchip is a…

managing multiple litters of kittens

How to Manage Multiple Litters in One Space

It’s not easy managing multiple litters of kittens in once space. Space for your cattery is the most valuable asset that you can have. If you’re working your cattery in your home, you may find it challenging if you have more than one litter of kittens on the ground at the same time. This podcast…

kitten room nursery setup podcast

Tips for Kitten Room and Nursery Setup

Setting up your kitten room and nursery is fun and exciting!! Here are some tips to help you setup your space that will be safe and cozy for both the Queen and her kindle. Your Queen and her kittens will go through several phases before they go to their new homes. Each phase will require…

how to care for a sick kitten

How to Care for a Sick Kitten

There will come a time in every cat breeder’s career when they will need to care for a sick kitten. It’s a very scary and humbling experience to have the life of a little kitten in the palm of your hands. With young kittens, especially neonatals (0 -14 days old), the most important part is…