what to expect when your cat is expecting

What To Expect When Your Cat Is Expecting

During the exciting times when your cat is expecting, you might feel nervous at the idea of your cat going into labor. Be prepared by knowing the signs leading up to and during the delivery of her precious kittens. Preparation in advance is key to helping your cat have the smoothest possible delivery. Cats are…

cat birthing box

Cat Birthing Box DIY

I spent hours pondering and searching for a solution for the question every cat breeder asks themselves at some point in their career, “where will my queen give birth?”. I thought of several things I use to set up a cat nesting box for my queen, but none of them fit the grand vision I…

is my cat in labor

Is My Cat in Labor?

You’ll never forget the first labor and delivery of a litter of kittens that you sit through with your Queen. It’s a rush of adrenaline, as well as very exhausting. After several litters, you’ll start to become familiar with the behavior patterns of your Queens. The signs will indicate that labor is approaching and that…

introducing cats for mating

How to Introduce Cats for Mating

Alot of people think that breeding Pedigree cats is easy. Just put a male and female together, and bam, kittens. It’s not as simple as it sounds. In this podcast episode, you’ll hear some ideas on how to introduce your cats when it’s time for mating. Cats don’t typically like cats that they haven’t known…

mating your queens

Mating Your Queens

Deciding when to mate your Queens is a decision that we’re all faced with. Both for the first time mating as well as after she has delivered a litter of kittens. There isn’t a scientifically “correct” answer to this question. It’s a decision that has to be made using many factors. This Episode talks about…