spay secure and cat breeder sensei

Spay Secure Partners with Cat Breeder Sensei

The Ultimate Guide to Pedigree Cat Breeders Using SpaySecure: A Better Way to Manage Breeding Programs If you’re a pedigree cat breeder, you know how critical it is to find a balance between managing your breeding program and ensuring the long-term well-being of your cats. Traditional methods like early spay and neuter have been around…

refundable vs non refundable kitten deposits for cat breeders

Refundable vs Non-Refundable Deposits on Kittens

If you’re a Pedigree Cat breeder, you are very familiar with the term ‘Non-Refundbale” Deposit when it comes to reserving a kitten for someone. At what point does that deposit become refundable? What are the scenarios that you’ve experienced that you happily gave the money back? This podcast will explore some real-life scenarios where deposits…

wisdom panel and factor XII

Factor XII Deficiency: Did We Get Duped by Wisdom Panel?

Public Service Announcement: YOU CAN SAFELY MATE TWO CARRIERS OF FACTOR XII TOGETHER. Let’s have a chat about Factor XII. This “condition” caught us all off guard when a large percentage of our cats were testing positive as carriers for this genetic trait. But was it anything to be concerned with? The narrative on the…

Top 10 Things You Should Know as a Cat Breeder

Top 10 Things You Should Know as a Cat Breeder

When you’re first starting out, the amount of information can be overwhelming. It’s hard to choos the path to take to find your education from. Do you find a mentor and hug their pant leg? Do you take an online breeding course? Do you just go with your gut and hope for the best? Thesr…

is it hard to let go of kittens as a breeder

Saying Goodbye to Kittens

As a cat breeder, it is inevitable that you’ll have to say goodbye to your kittens. This can be challenging for new breeders who aren’t mentally prepared for this milestone in a kittens’ life. After witnessing a kindle of babies come into the world, and nurturing them for 3 to 4 months, it’s easy to…