spay secure and cat breeder sensei

Spay Secure Partners with Cat Breeder Sensei

The Ultimate Guide to Pedigree Cat Breeders Using SpaySecure: A Better Way to Manage Breeding Programs If you’re a pedigree cat breeder, you know how critical it is to find a balance between managing your breeding program and ensuring the long-term well-being of your cats. Traditional methods like early spay and neuter have been around…

is it hard to let go of kittens as a breeder

Saying Goodbye to Kittens

As a cat breeder, it is inevitable that you’ll have to say goodbye to your kittens. This can be challenging for new breeders who aren’t mentally prepared for this milestone in a kittens’ life. After witnessing a kindle of babies come into the world, and nurturing them for 3 to 4 months, it’s easy to…

A Cool Storage Tip for Litter Scooping Bags

A Cool Storage Tip for Litter Scooping Bags

Obviously as cat breeders, a large part of our job is scooping litter boxes. Everyone’s favorite, right? We go through a lot of litter, AND a lot of bags. Those bags can get a little unruly when you are shoving them into a drawer or even into another bag to try to keep them somewhat…

male or female cat first for breeding podcast 33

Should I Get a Male or Female First – Advice for Breeders

Some breeders will say to get a Stud boy first, while some will say to get a girl first. I don’t know if there’s technically a right or wrong answer, but I can share my experience with you which might help you decide. Remember, I’m no expert but I can take you through a vault…

what is a healthy cat podcast episode 31

What is a Healthy Cat?

The term “healthy” is loosely used in the Pedigree Cat Breeding world, but ultimately the most important word that is used. What does it actually mean though? The technical definition of healthy means “not diseased”. So many things can happen during the course of a cat’s life. It’s impossible for us to predict the true…