introducing cats for mating

How to Introduce Cats for Mating

Alot of people think that breeding Pedigree cats is easy. Just put a male and female together, and bam, kittens. It’s not as simple as it sounds. In this podcast episode, you’ll hear some ideas on how to introduce your cats when it’s time for mating.

Cats don’t typically like cats that they haven’t known for a while, or aren’t familiar with. That’s why the mating process can be challenging for some cats (not all). Every kitty is different and will respond differently. If you have a plan of action for different scenarios, then you will be prepared.

Here are few different scenarios that you may encounter between your cats:

Sire and Queen are in the “Friend Zone” :

This relationship can develop if the Sire and The Queen are allowed to share the same living space. They become used to each other’s company and scents. When the Queen is in heat, the Sire is unaffected and doesn’t attempt to mate. This is what we call the ‘friend zone”. Listen to the podcast for a solution.

Queen Just Wants to Fight The Sire

how to introduce cats for mating

Do you have a feisty female? Is she perhaps a tortie? LOL If you bring the Queen to her Sire, and all she wants to do is fight, she may scare the male off.

If the male is more on the timid and polite said rather than aggressive, she may scare him into a corner. In this situation, the Queen usually doesn’t know the Sire at all, and isn’t comfortable in new environments. Listen to the podcast Episode for solutions!

The Sire or the Queen Show No Interest

When you introduce the male and the female for mating, and she is in full estrus, the male should pick up on that immediately by her scent. She will also display physical behavior that he will recognize as in invitation to mate. If you don’t see any of the “courtship” taking place, then you’ll need to analyze what’s going on.

Not all cats are willing to mate. Some have preferences over other cats, and will just deny mating with a particular cat. If one of your cats is unwilling to mate with a specific partner, then maybe present a new partner to them to rule out an unwillingness to mate in general.

Patience is the Key

In most mating scenarios, patience is the key. The hormones will usually take over and the cats will mate. Smacking each other, hissing and growling are all a normal part of the mating process. Don’t mistake that for “fighting” with each other. Fighting between two cats is an undeniable event. It’s scary and is intimidating.

Now that you have some insight on how to introduce cats for mating, you can have more confidence in knowing how to handle each situation. Best of luck to you!! Remember; The Best Way to Do things is YOUR WAY. <3

Use “PODCAST21” for 25% off The Complete Guide To Breeding Pedigree Cats

Breeding Pedigree Cats is a serious business. While it may seem simple on the surface, there’s a lot of moving parts and knowledge to gain. You can learn how to breed cats and have the confidence that you need to gain trust and enthusiasm from cat lovers everywhere.

When you enroll in the Complete Guide to Breeding Pedigree Cats, you’ll learn how to breed cats with integrity and confidence. You’ll learn the basics of breeding cats that some mentors would never be willing to share with you.

breeding pedigree cats

What’s Covered in the Course

  • All of the fundamentals of Breeding Pedigree Cats 
  • Designing a cattery in your home,
  • Acquiring breeding cats
  • Feline Husbandry
  • Health Testing
  • Colors and Patterns
  • How to Read Pedigrees
  • Inbreeding Coefficiencies
  • DNA testing
  • Mating
  • Pregnancy
  • Delivery of Kittens
  • Raising and Selling Kittens
  • Literally, everything is covered in this course.
  • Quizzes for each lesson to make sure you’re comprehending the material
  • Certificate of Completion to display on your website
  • Interactive Forums to ask questions about the lessons and topics

15 thoughts on “How to Introduce Cats for Mating”

  1. I have 2 Maine Coons in heat right now and my male does not seem interested in anything except sniffing. Suggestions?

    1. Terri Sidwell

      I have a male Maine coon and similar issue – he won’t mate the queen. Acts like maybe then just grooms himself. Did you get an answer from anyone on what to do?

  2. My female cat is 7years and my male cat is 9month . The female currently on it and she’s not allowing the male on her . They have been chasing each order round the house for 2days now. What can I do please?

  3. My male keeps trying but he is so far up my females back he can’t figure it out, this sounds normal compared to what I’ve read, am I supposed to interject or just leave them

  4. I have a 10 month old male and a 2 year old female 1 month ago he was trying to mount her but she wasn’t ready now she is in full estrus and he just smells her down there but shows no interest otherwise what is happening I’m so confused

  5. Natalia Nowakowsk

    I have 2 year old male and 2 year old female and clearly they have friend-zoned each other, he shows no interest in mating, she can throw her backend in his face and he is not interested to even smell. Tried with 2 “outside” queens and same results, but apart that he was interested in smelling one as he was walking behind her and smelling until she started hissing and going after him, but once she started hissing he gave up and wouldn’t go even close her.

    1. Cat Breeder Sensei

      It depends. You can take the Complete Guide to Breeding Pedigree Cats course to get all of the basic information you need!

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