In this episode of Cat Breeder Sensei Says, we’ll have a mashup of topics. These topics are worth mentioning, but may not necessarily needs an entire episode.
Be Your Own Vet
The first speed round may get me some backlash, and that’s when I say to “Be Your Own Vet”. My friend and fellow breeder said that we have to be our own vet when I first started this journey. Of course, I didn’t quite understand what she meant back then. Now I do.
When working with live animals, it’s in your best interest to be able to identify symptoms and be able to treat them yourself without always rushing off to the vet. What I’ve discovered so far is the veterinarians always treat the most common symptoms first, and then start taking things to a higher level if there’s no response. This applies, of course to COMMON issues, like diarrhea, Upper Respiratory Infections, and Conjunctivitis. Some of the more serious illnesses may need immediate vet attention.
Keep your nursery stocked with some medicines and remedies that you’ll need to help relieve some of the more common symptoms that your cats and kittens will experience. The products you should have on hand are mentioned in the podcast episode.
Early Spay/Neuter

This topic comes up quite often. What is the right age to spay or neuter your kitten? Should it be done before they leave the cattery? There are differing opinions on this. The majority of Pedigree cat breeders agree that every kitten shouldn’t go home until they’ve been spayed or neutered. Others will agree on a contract with the new owner to sterilize the kitten before a certain age. Especially those with large breeds or cats that are slow to mature.
I’d love to haven experienced veterinarian on the show to discuss the risk and/ rewards of early spay. If you know of someone who might want to contribute to the show, please let me know!
Ultimately, the best way to do things is your way.
What Constitutes an Emergency?
Cats are very stoic creatures. They don’t express great pain or anxiety the way other animals do. It’s important for us to learn the individual body language of each of our felines. This will help us interpret that something might be wrong.
This podcast episode goes over the top 6 conditions or situations that would constitute a trip to the emergency room. This information was obtained from a great podcast that I listen to called “Ask the Vets with Dr. Jeff“.
Organizing Your Cattery Data
Keeping track of your data is important!! If you’re still using an outdated spreadsheet to keep information, it’s time for you to UPGRADE!! i-Feline was designed by a Pedigree Cat breeder, and offers may features that will help you organize all of your data. From Kitten Applications, Medical Records, DNA testing, and much more be sure to check it out. You can try a 14 day trial for free.

Cat Breeder Sensei was created to start a POSITIVE Movement in the Pedigree Cat Breeder Community! We want the next generation of breeders to have more knowledge, more insight, and be more helpful to their peers. Join us in celebrating the fascinating world of breeding Pedigree cats and spread the word that WE WILL NOT ACCEPT NEGATIVITY. <3
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