Author name: Cat Breeder Sensei

Cat Breeder Sensei is an organization founded by April Katido in 2020. The mission is to provide reputable Pedigree Cat Breeders the positive support and community that they need to improve their practice as a breeder. Through training, events and private communities, we're able to reach numerous parts of the world and help our fellow cat breeding peers with nothing but love and support.

“Understanding the Tough Realities of Breeding Pedigree Cats: Insights from Experienced Breeders”

Breeding Pedigree Cats is no simple feat. What seems warm and fuzzy from the outside can really be a different story behind the scenes. The things that we can’t see or don’t know about are the things that are really frustrating sometimes. It takes a certain type of person to be strong through some very

“Understanding the Tough Realities of Breeding Pedigree Cats: Insights from Experienced Breeders” Read More »

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