cat emergency vet

Top 5 Reasons To Take Your Cat to the Emergency Vet

If your cat is injured or in distress, you’ll need to know when to take your cat to the emergency vet. There may be times when you’re presented with a situation that you’re not sure how to respond to. Since cats can’t talk and tell you what they’re feeling, you have to be able to make a decision based on knowledge.

Instinctually, you may want to rush your cat to the emergency vet any time something seems off and it’s after hours. This could be totally unnecessary in both time and costs.

This podcast episode is an interview with licensed veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Vencil, who will explain the top 5 reasons when to take your cat to the emergency vet. She also discusses some emergency situations during labor and delivery of kittens from a Queen.

Dr. Jennifer Vencil , DVM

when to take cat to emergency vet

Dr. Jennifer is drawn to veterinary medicine by a love of science and the human-animal bond. She has a special interest in emergency and critical care, dermatology, behavior and end-of-life/hospice care.

She enjoys educating clients on preventative health care for their pets. Dr. Jenn is also intent on compassionately helping them through times when their pets are struggling with illnesses.

In this podcast episode, Dr. Jenn shares her knowledge and experience with you as she explains the reasons your cat would need to see an emergency vet, rather than waiting until your regular vet is available.

Once you’re done with this episode, check out this episode where we interview Lacey O’Connell about how trupanion pet insurance can cover some of your vet costs!

Cat Breeder Sensei was created to start a POSITIVE Movement in the Pedigree Cat Breeder Community! We want the next generation of breeders to have more knowledge, more insight, and be more helpful to their peers. Join us in celebrating the fascinating world of breeding Pedigree cats and spread the word that WE WILL NOT ACCEPT NEGATIVITY. <3

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