Deciding when to retire your Queens from your breeding program is a hard decision to make. Situations arise other than the normal “retirement” age of a Queen.
This podcast episode will explore some of the reasons you may consider retiring a Queen from your breeding program. It’s important to remember to always do what’s in the best interest of the cat and her health and well-being. Never keep a female in your program for the sake of excellent “type”.
Rehoming your Beautiful Queens
Rehoming your Queens is an emotional decision. You’ll get attached to them, especially the ones with wonderful temperaments that grow a fondness for you, also. It’s always an option to keep a girl that steals your heart, but that does limit available space for new Queens to come along.
The benefit of being able to select a new home for your Queen is that you will know her better than anyone else. You’ll know how she feels about socializing with people, and how she gets along with other cats. This will help you find the perfect home for her to retire as someone’s pet and be entirely happy.
Take your time when selecting a home for your Queen. She is trusting in you to place her with a new owner that will love her and take care of her for the rest of her life.
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