Cat Breeding Basics

early spay and neuter podcast mashup

Be Your Own Vet, Early Spay/Neuter, Pet Emergencies, and Go Home Goodies

In this episode of Cat Breeder Sensei Says, we’ll have a mashup of topics. These topics are worth mentioning, but may not necessarily needs an entire episode. Be Your Own Vet The first speed round may get me some backlash, and that’s when I say to “Be Your Own Vet”. My friend and fellow breeder […]

is my cat in labor

Is My Cat in Labor?

You’ll never forget the first labor and delivery of a litter of kittens that you sit through with your Queen. It’s a rush of adrenaline, as well as very exhausting. After several litters, you’ll start to become familiar with the behavior patterns of your Queens. The signs will indicate that labor is approaching and that

introducing cats for mating

How to Introduce Cats for Mating

Alot of people think that breeding Pedigree cats is easy. Just put a male and female together, and bam, kittens. It’s not as simple as it sounds. In this podcast episode, you’ll hear some ideas on how to introduce your cats when it’s time for mating. Cats don’t typically like cats that they haven’t known

cat breeder contract

The Cat Breeder Contract

Once you have started your breeding cattery and have kittens available for sale, you’ll need to have your cat breeder contract prepared. The contract is the document that you and your buyer will sign. The terms and conditions of the transfer of the kitten will be outlined in the contract. In this podcast episode, we’ll

how to care for a sick kitten

How to Care for a Sick Kitten

There will come a time in every cat breeder’s career when they will need to care for a sick kitten. It’s a very scary and humbling experience to have the life of a little kitten in the palm of your hands. With young kittens, especially neonatals (0 -14 days old), the most important part is

mating your queens

Mating Your Queens

Deciding when to mate your Queens is a decision that we’re all faced with. Both for the first time mating as well as after she has delivered a litter of kittens. There isn’t a scientifically “correct” answer to this question. It’s a decision that has to be made using many factors. This Episode talks about

new cat breeder chronicales

New Breeder Chronicles

Sharing my new breeder chronicles isn’t something that I particularly like to do. I’ve already let out a tidbit of that story and already, breeders are bashing it for one reason or the other. I guess what they don’t recognize is that it’s my story. This really happened to me, and it also happens to

how to start a cattery

How to Start a Breeding Cattery

If you’re thinking of starting a breeding cattery but not sure where to start, this podcast Episode will get your thoughts moving in the right direction.

who is cat breeder sensei

Introduction episode

Cat Breeder Sensei Says podcast is bringing a fresh vibe to the world of Breeding pedigree Cats. Let’s remove all negativity from the space and add fresh, supportive ideas. listen to the Introduction podcast and then SUBSCRIBE to make sure you don’t miss a single episode of Cat breeder Sensei Says, with your host April

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