A cat breeder is a person that intentionally reproduces a specific Pedigree cat with the intent of protecting, and preserving the breed. The breeder will sell the kittens to enthusiastic buyers, and follow their progress throughout their life.
The internet has sensationalized the practice of breeding cats, with adorable photos of beautiful Pedigree kittens. Breeders sharing “behind the scenes: looks at what it’s like to be a breeder has also inspired thousands of cat lovers all over the globe.
There Much More to Becoming a Cat Breeder than a Cute Litter of Kittens
Being able to produce beautiful, fuzzy kittens is really the reward that you reap from being a reputable breeder before any of the kittens ever happen. There is a great deal of commitment that goes into the thoughts and diligence of being a breeder of Pedigree cats. Let’s look at some of the attributes you need before you ever consider purchasing your first chosen breed.

Venturing into the cat fancy does require a great deal of time. It’s hard to measure exactly how much time, because it is different for each person depending on how many cats they have in their cattery.
There will be time spent socializing your cats and kittens, mating, and raising litters of kittens. There’s also cleaning, marketing, website and social media management and talking to buyers.
If you have a full-time or demanding job, it may be challenging to manage all of the functions of running a successful cattery. This might be better suited for someone who has at least 20-25 hours per week to commit to their chosen breed.
If you take your job of breeding Pedigree cats seriously, you’ll also attend cat shows and become part of the cat fancier community.
You will need adequate space to provide housing for a male tom cat as well as his Queens. While it may seem like an easy thing to do, it does get complicated. You’ll have to keep the tom separated from the female cats most of the time. Most people will use a spare bedroom to keep the boy cat in.
You’ll also need space for a Queen and her litter of kittens. Queen cats prefer quiet places where they feel secure to raise their kittens. This is usually in a room by herself, or a space that is dedicated only to her.

Most serious cat breeders will build a cattery for their breeding tribe to live in. This area needs to meet the specific requirements of a kennel in your area. You can find out more about local laws and regulations in the Complete Guide to Breeding Pedigree Cats.
Being a cat breeder isn’t cheap. There are so many expenses involved starting with the acquisition of your cat breeding tribe. When purchased correctly, from a registered breeder, the cost to acquire is typically 2x the cost of a pet. Now multiply that times 4 and you’ll have an idea of how much it will cost just to buy the cats for your program.
In addition to acquisition costs, you’ll need a budget for food, grooming, vet bills, and toys. The more cats you have, the more expensive these will be.
You can get an idea of how much it will cost to run your cattery in Lesson 1 of the Complete Guide to Breeding Cats.
They say patience is a virtue but that’s an understatement when you are in the cat breeding business. If you’ve always claimed that “you have no patience”, then this is definitely the wrong place for you to be.
One of the toughest roles you will have when you learn how to become a cat breeder is making decisions. You will find yourself faced with challenging times, on how to care for one of your cats, or when its time to let them retire and become a pet. It’s always best to wait until the emotional part of decision-making has past, and be patient before making any decisions.
There aren’t any rules when it comes to the magic age that your cats will mate and produce a litter of kittens for you. Some adults, depending on the breed, will not produce until they are two years old. This is another example when patience is a virtue. You may feel like the cat is not ever going to produce, and then one day, MAGIC HAPPENS!
Education about the Cat Breeding Business
If you’ve been researching how to breed cats, then you’re already aware that the information is very sparse. You might be able to find information on every topic if you know what to search for. The challenge is, this may be unfamiliar territory if you’re brand new to breeding.
The general reaction you may get from experienced breeders is that “you don’t know what you’re doing”. While this is true, there’s also not many people out there who are willing to help you learn what you need to know. Luckily, there is the Complete Guide to Breeding Pedigree Cats. It’s the ONLY training that you will find with comprehensive information. This will give you the basic knowledge you need to even consider becoming a breeder of cats.
It’s very critical that you build a basic foundation of knowledge before you ever consider buying cats for a breeding program. Even if your goal is have a hobby cattery. There is so much to learn about doing things the right way, and working to be the best breeder that you can be.
Complete Guide To Breeding Pedigree Cats
Comprehensive, interactive online training course about how to breed cats. Learn the fundamentals, gain confidence and earn your Certificate of Completion to display on your website. If you’re not 100% Satisfied with your entire learning experience when you take this course, we don’t expect you to pay. Just contact us and we’ll happily refund 100%…