Cat Breeding Basics

Finding A Mentor As A Pedigree Cat Breeder

The world of pedigree cat breeding can be a brutal place, and finding someone to protect, guide and help you through your journey can be even more challenging. This podcast episode will give you some insight on a super easy way to get your very own pedigree cat breeding mentor that will not only help […]

The Best Advice for Cat Breeders EVER

Starting as a new pedigree cat breeder can be really stressful. Of course, you want to do the right thing, and breed in the most ethical practices. This usually starts you off on the search to find information, and even a mentor. As a newbie, you could run into the struggle of finding a mentor

Top 10 Things You Should Know as a Cat Breeder

When you’re first starting out, the amount of information can be overwhelming. It’s hard to choos the path to take to find your education from. Do you find a mentor and hug their pant leg? Do you take an online breeding course? Do you just go with your gut and hope for the best? Thesr

is it hard to let go of kittens as a breeder

Saying Goodbye to Kittens

As a cat breeder, it is inevitable that you’ll have to say goodbye to your kittens. This can be challenging for new breeders who aren’t mentally prepared for this milestone in a kittens’ life. After witnessing a kindle of babies come into the world, and nurturing them for 3 to 4 months, it’s easy to

A Cool Storage Tip for Litter Scooping Bags

Obviously as cat breeders, a large part of our job is scooping litter boxes. Everyone’s favorite, right? We go through a lot of litter, AND a lot of bags. Those bags can get a little unruly when you are shoving them into a drawer or even into another bag to try to keep them somewhat

A Simple Process for Gotcha Day

Gotcha Day is a special day for everyone! A Much anticipated and exciting event can be made super smooth with this easy formula.

what to expect when your cat is expecting

What To Expect When Your Cat Is Expecting

During the exciting times when your cat is expecting, you might feel nervous at the idea of your cat going into labor. Be prepared by knowing the signs leading up to and during the delivery of her precious kittens. Preparation in advance is key to helping your cat have the smoothest possible delivery. Cats are

male or female cat first for breeding podcast 33

Should I Get a Male or Female First – Advice for Breeders

Some breeders will say to get a Stud boy first, while some will say to get a girl first. I don’t know if there’s technically a right or wrong answer, but I can share my experience with you which might help you decide. Remember, I’m no expert but I can take you through a vault

cat birthing box

Cat Birthing Box DIY

I spent hours pondering and searching for a solution for the question every cat breeder asks themselves at some point in their career, “where will my queen give birth?”. I thought of several things I use to set up a cat nesting box for my queen, but none of them fit the grand vision I

how long does a cat stay in heat

How Long Does a Cat Stay In Heat?

As a breeder, you need to know, how long does a cat stay in heat? It is crucial to planning successful pregnancies. Learn more in this post.

too many cats episode 29

How Many Cats is Too Many?

How many cats is too many? That is a question we’ve probably all asked ourselves at some point. As breeders, we have different perspectives on this topic as a non-breeders might. In order to run a successful cattery, we do need several cats. part of our role is to maintain a clean and stress-free environment

managing multiple litters of kittens

How to Manage Multiple Litters in One Space

It’s not easy managing multiple litters of kittens in once space. Space for your cattery is the most valuable asset that you can have. If you’re working your cattery in your home, you may find it challenging if you have more than one litter of kittens on the ground at the same time. This podcast

kitten room nursery setup podcast

Tips for Kitten Room and Nursery Setup

Setting up your kitten room and nursery is fun and exciting!! Here are some tips to help you setup your space that will be safe and cozy for both the Queen and her kindle. Your Queen and her kittens will go through several phases before they go to their new homes. Each phase will require

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