spay secure and cat breeder sensei

Spay Secure Partners with Cat Breeder Sensei

The Ultimate Guide to Pedigree Cat Breeders Using SpaySecure: A Better Way to Manage Breeding Programs If you’re a pedigree cat breeder, you know how critical it is to find a balance between managing your breeding program and ensuring the long-term well-being of your cats. Traditional methods like early spay and neuter have been around…

refundable vs non refundable kitten deposits for cat breeders

Refundable vs Non-Refundable Deposits on Kittens

If you’re a Pedigree Cat breeder, you are very familiar with the term ‘Non-Refundbale” Deposit when it comes to reserving a kitten for someone. At what point does that deposit become refundable? What are the scenarios that you’ve experienced that you happily gave the money back? This podcast will explore some real-life scenarios where deposits…

should you let buyers visit your cattery

Should You Let Buyers Visit Your Home Cattery?

No matter where you’re at in your journey as a Pedigree cat breeder, you’ll be prompted with a request from someone to come visit your cattery. Since the majority of catteries are home-based, this means that potential buyers will want to come to your home. How do you feel about this? Should you allow people…

how to transport pedigree kittens

How Will Your Kittens Get To Their New Homes?

Learning how to transport kittens both domestically and internationally is helpful to your cattery. With the power of the internet, buyers of your kittens will come from many different locations. If you’re able to offer delivery and transport your kittens, you’ll greatly increase your audience. There’s several options when it comes to transporting your kittens…

cat breeder contract

The Cat Breeder Contract

Once you have started your breeding cattery and have kittens available for sale, you’ll need to have your cat breeder contract prepared. The contract is the document that you and your buyer will sign. The terms and conditions of the transfer of the kitten will be outlined in the contract. In this podcast episode, we’ll…

new kitten owners

5 Things to Talk To Your New Kitten Owner About

Every new kitten owner is always excited to finally bring their new kitten home. It’s a time of joy and thrill, meeting the new family member. Sometimes the excitement is overwhelming, and they forget to keep the kitten’s comfort levels in mind. Have you ever sent a kitten home and then about a week later…