Cats with Diarrhea, Sneezing or Losing Kittens?
This is a MUST SEE interview if you have cats with diarrhea, sneezing, or you’re losing neonatal kittens.
This is a MUST SEE interview if you have cats with diarrhea, sneezing, or you’re losing neonatal kittens.
At some point, you’ll deal with diarrhea in your cattery. Either from one cat, or from ALL THE CATS. No matter how many cats are presenting with diarrhea symptoms, its never fun. Sometimes the diarrhea is just a random act of kindness, where it just stops in for a visit. These usually come without warning,
The term “healthy” is loosely used in the Pedigree Cat Breeding world, but ultimately the most important word that is used. What does it actually mean though? The technical definition of healthy means “not diseased”. So many things can happen during the course of a cat’s life. It’s impossible for us to predict the true
The 3 heat myth about Pyometra in cats is debunked in this podcast episode.
Do you need tips on grooming long-haired cats? We’ve got you covered! The struggle is real when it comes to shedding, hairballs, and the dreadful mats. All of these things are inevitable but can be dramatically reduced with some awesome grooming tips that are shared in this podcast episode. Before you listen in on the
Discover the top 5 reasons to take your cat to the emergency vet.
Wisdom Panel is a company that performs DNA testing for your Pedigree cats. There are multiple reasons why you should be testing all of the cats that you are in your breeding program. The test screens for genetic diseases as well as physical characteristics (i.e., carriers of dilution, gloving, and non-agouti). With these results, you
This podcast episode is another fun Mashup, where we talk about multiple topics. Some of the smallest tips can lead to the greatest achievements! There are ideal temperatures in your cattery. Listen in to the podcast to hear the minimum and maximum you should keep your cattery. Cat Hairballs This podcast episode will give you
For every Pedigree cat breeder, there will come a time when you consider adding a second or third sire to your breeding program. If you don’t have individual spaces for each male to live independently, then he will need to be roommates with another male. Will this fare well with your Sire? Is he going
What is a reputable cat breeder anyway? There’s likely many explanations from consumers, cat fanciers, and the general public. All of which will have very different views. With the decision to breed Pedigree cats come the obligation to be reputable. That is a quality that should stay with you no matter what you are faced
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