what is a healthy cat podcast episode 31

What is a Healthy Cat?

The term “healthy” is loosely used in the Pedigree Cat Breeding world, but ultimately the most important word that is used. What does it actually mean though? The technical definition of healthy means “not diseased”.

So many things can happen during the course of a cat’s life. It’s impossible for us to predict the true status of a cat’s health without letting the cat live its life out. This can take many years.

This podcast episode is somewhat of a “story time”, where you hear of 2 different scenarios of breeding Queens and the status of both of them today. It’s a fine example of how health incidents are always unexpected, unpredictable, and unwelcome in our cattery. In addition, they’re also inevitable.

In our Private Facebook Group, I asked a question about the most common health issues they faced in their kittens and in their adults in the first 5 years of life. You can find their interesting answers in the group! Just search in the group for “5 years” and that post will come up.

Cat Breeder Sensei was created to start a POSITIVE Movement in the Pedigree Cat Breeder Community! We want the next generation of breeders to have more knowledge, more insight, and be more helpful to their peers. Join us in celebrating the fascinating world of breeding Pedigree cats and spread the word that WE WILL NOT ACCEPT NEGATIVITY. <3

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Learn How to Breed Pedigree Cats

This online course takes you through the entire process of being a Pedigree Cat Breeder.

  • Deciding to Join the Cat Fancy
  • Cattery Contract Template
  • Registering a Cattery
  • Rules in your State
  • Expenses to Run a Cattery
  • Selecting Cats for Your Cattery
  • DNA and Genetic Testing
  • Designing a Cattery
  • Feline Husbandry
  • Mating Cats
  • Pregnancy in Your Queens
  • Labor and Delivery of Kittens
  • Raising a Litter of Kittens
  • Choosing Buyers for your Kittens
  • Kittens Going Home
  • And Much More!

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